KeyPortfolio Attributes

Fund Category: GIFT City domiciled Category III AIF

Sub-Category: Long Only

Minimum Investment: USD 1,50,000

Structure: Open Ended

Fund Manager’s Name: SageOne Investment Managers LLP, IFSC Branch

Founder: Samit Vartak, CFA

Investment Objective:

The objective of Sage One India Growth GIFT Fund – GIFT City domiciled Category III AIF is to build and maintain a portfolio in high conviction growth ideas available at prices at or below fair value

Investment Philosophy:

The investment philosophy of Sage One India Growth GIFT Fund – GIFT City domiciled Category III AIF is based on certain Green & Red flags as follows:

Green Flags:

  1. 20%+ compounded earnings growth
  2. Market share gains
  3. ROCE & ROE > 20%
  4. High cash flow from operations
  5. Sustainable margins
  6. Low leverage
  7. Better ROCE on incremental capex
  8. Favorable ESG practices

Red Flags:

  1. Loose accounting policies
  2. Poor capital allocation
  3. Questionable founder history
  4. Related-party transactions
  5. Complex corporate structure
  6. Corporate governance issues

Investment Strategy & Process:

The investment process of Sage One India Growth GIFT Fund – GIFT City domiciled Category III AIF is as follows:

  1. Initial Universe: Around 2,500 listed companies with daily trading
  2. Fishing Pond: Focus on the 101st-1000th stocks for better growth potential
  3. Watchlist: Maintain about 60 active stocks
  4. Portfolio: Select 12-20 high-conviction stocks

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