Prabhudas Lilladher Multi Asset Dynamic Portfolio (Quant based)

Key Portfolio Attributes

Inception Date: 07 June 2021

Portfolio Manager's Name: Mr. Siddharth Vora

Portfolio Manager's Experience: Joined PL in 2016. At PL, he is the Fund Manager - PMS & Head - Quant Investment Strategies.

Portfolio Manager's Qualification: CA, CFA Charter Holder. Masters of Science Degree in Management for Business Excellence with a double diploma in World Politics from University of Warwick, United Kingdom. He is a SEBI registered Research Analyst and Investment Advisor.

Investment Objective

The investment objective is to generate consistent long term capital appreciation and managing associated risks by investing in a diversified multi asset portfolio comprising of Domestic Equity Index ETFs, International Equity Index ETFs, Debt and Money Market Instruments and Gold Index ETFs.

Multi Asset Dynamic Portfolio (MADP) is a 100% quant-based tactical asset allocation strategy created by Quantifi that invests only in passive instruments (index funds and ETFs) and comprises of 7 asset classes. Quantifi is Prabhudas Lilladher’s specialized quantitative research and investment management arm. The strategy is only available as a discretionary PMS to avoid greed and fear of investors.

Investment Philosophy

Quantamental Investing Approach is a blend of fundamental analysis and quantitative techniques. This approach uses Fundamental + Alternative + Quantitative + Technical (FAQT) methods to make investment decisions. Quantamental research is qualitative and quantitative data driven approach. Quantamental research explores the deeper and wider insights of the data enabling agile decision-making process.

Portfolio Strategy

Multi asset strategies are dynamic and use a tactical asset allocation strategy driven by our proprietary quant models and indicators. The models enable switching between domestic equities, international equities, gold, corporate bonds, gilt and liquid funds as per signals generated by the automated proprietary quantitative and fundamental models.

The fund strategy is based on 3 Pillars: Downside Protection, Upside Participation, and Consistent Performance. The strategy uses 9 proprietary meters as a toolbox to determine the allocation between the asset classes.

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