Multiple Strategies with Diversified Portfolios based on Value Style of Investing

Key Portfolio Attributes

Number of Stocks :15-25

Fund Manager Name: Himanshu Upadhyay

Fund Manager Experience: Total Experience of 12 years

Fund Manager Qualification: PGDM Finance from IIM Kozhikode and Bachelor in Technology from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur

Investment Philosophy

Investment philosophy is based on two fundamental principles

• Buying when the future is uncertain – A stock is available cheap only when the general market does not expect it to do well in the short-term. Therefore, if an investor wishes to beat the market he/she should purchase the stock before the market does. If one is confident about the quality of the company and its long-term earnings power, then its short-term price movement should be of less importance.

• Seeking to avoid permanent loss – For an investor the real risk in the stock market is the risk of permanent loss. All shares are subject to price fluctuations; therefore temporary losses are unavoidable. Permanent loss occurs when an investment is made in a substandard business, in a company where the management is questionable or at a price that is exorbitantly high. As the legendary Seth Klarman says: The avoidance of loss is the surest way to ensure a profitable outcome

Investment Process

PGIM India has a meticulous and robust investment process distills its investment choices. They start with the investing universe of 6,000 listed companies in India and work our way down step-by-step to arrive at our investment universe of 160-180 companies. The stringent filters applied during the investment process gives us the portfolio of 20-25 companies. These filters include price, growth prospects and management quality. The investment process also includes a clearly articulated Sell Discipline to realize the value of the investment when it fulfills its potential.

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