Kotak Optimus Fund- Category III AIF

Key Portfolio Attributes

Fund Category: Category III AIF

Fund Manager: Investment Committee, Kotak Investment Advisors Ltd.

Investment Objective

The investment objective of Kotak Optimus Cat III AIF is to offer risk-profile [Aggressive & Moderate] based allocation, that efficiently invest into large caps for better risk adjusted performance. With significant lower drawdowns, Kotak Optimus Cat III AIF aims for a smoother investment journey of the investor.

Investment Strategy

Kotak Optimus Cat III AIF is one of the first discretionary multi-asset, multi- manager solution in India that offers risk-profile based asset allocation, rebalancing, tactical calls with defined risk management framework. Kotak Optimus has delivered a transparent, hassle-free and promising investment journey.

The Aggressive Portfolio invests 80% into Active Equity & 20% into Passive Equity. The Moderate Portfolio invests 50% into Fixed Income & 50% into Alternates.

Investment Philosophy

The investment strategy of Kotak Optimus Cat III AIF is to have independent external mentors across asset classes being consulted to identify trends, strategies and tactical opportunities. The time-gap between advice and execution determines the efficiency of advice. Kotak Optimus bridges the gap by rebalancing and taking real time tactical allocation calls – underweight/overweight equities, add/exit/hold a strategy. Global trends suggest movement of HNIW assets towards such discretionary mandates.

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