First Global India Multi Asset Allocation PMS Portfolio

Key Portfolio Attributes

Mrs. Devina Mehra

Inception Date: 19 Feb 2020

Number of Stocks: Max 50

Portfolio Manager’s Name: Ms. Devina Mehra, Mr. Achin Agarwal, Ms. Kavita Thomas , Mr. Alok Kumar & Team

Portfolio Manager’s Qualification: Ms. Devina Mehra- MBA from IIM Ahmedabad (Gold Medalist). Mr. Achin Agarwal has an MBA from IIM Bangalore & B.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur. Ms. Kavita Thomas has a B.Pharm. degree plus an MBA from Mumbai University Mr. Alok Kumar has an MBA in Finance from Pune University & CTM from ICFAI, Hyderabad.

Portfolio Manager’s Experience: Ms. Devina Mehra has an experience of more than 30 years. Mr. Achin Agarwal has an experience of more than 10 years Ms. Kavita Thomas has an experience of more than 20 years Mr. Alok Kumar has experience of more than 20 years.

Fund Manager : Ms. Devina Mehra, Mr. Achin Agarwal, Ms. Kavita Thomas , Mr. Alok Kumar

Investment Objective

To achieve steady, low volatility returns by investing across sectors and asset classes. The strategy is based on Tactical & Dynamic Asset Allocation. This replicates the India Super 50 Portfolio, with the additional overlay of multiple asset classes like fixed income, oil and gold. This ensures a high return profile, but with significantly low volatility.

Investment Strategy

A unique approach to investing, wherein Deep Data Science, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning are harnessed to unearth trends, patterns, in financial data (structured and unstructured), and then, our Human Intelligence applies its combined decades of experience to narrow down on a final list of stocks and asset classes, to invest in.

Performance Table #

Trailing Returns (%) 1m return 3m return 6m return 1y return 2y return 3y return 5y return 10y return Since inception return

QRC Report Card *


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What to expect from First Global India Multi Asset Allocation PMS?

A Multi-Asset Allocation portfolio. This replicates the India Super 50 Portfolio for the equity allocation, but with an additional overlay of multiple asset classes like fixed income and gold and ensuring a high return profile, but with significantly low volatility. The portfolio uses FG ExoTech, our proprietary Human + Machine driven quantitative investment model that analyses and selects from a universe of 700 exchange traded Indian stocks that meet minimum market cap and liquidity criteria. The weights for each asset class are dynamically and tactically changed based on artificial intelligence inputs as well as First Global’s analytical tools. We firmly believe that Diversification, done right, delivers way in excess of market return, with lower risk.

Who should invest in First Global India Multi Asset Allocation PMS?

Investors looking for a product that will help grow their hard-earned wealth with minimal risk and that is exactly what we offer. Our FG-IMAAP PMS scheme has a volatility which is the lowest when compared with the market and other PMS providers in the market.

Which is the best company through which an investor can invest in First Global India Multi Asset Allocation PMS Portfolio?

We recommend PMS AIF WORLD, because, it is one unique platform that offers real knowledge driven investing with their highly meaningful data, reports, and content that is written very well. PMS AIF World is a team of highly articulate, educated, and experienced people.


#Returns as of 28 Feb 2025. Returns up to 1 Year are absolute, above 1 Year are CAGR.

*QRC Report Card data is updated quarterly. Current data is as of Dec 24.

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