EDELWEISS Alternative Equity

Key Attributes

Mr. Nalin Moniz

Inception Date: 19 Aug 2014

Portfolio Construct: 70-80% Core and 20-30% Satellite

Fund Manager Name: Mr Nalin Moniz

Fund Manager Experience: Total Exp – 15 Years, With Edelweiss – 5 Years

Fund Manager Qualification: A graduate of the Jerome Fisher Program in Management and Technology from the University of Pennsylvania (USA); with joint degrees in Economics from the Wharton School & Computer Science Engineering from the Moore School

Fund Manager Accolades: He’s also been a Eureka Hedge Indian Hedge Fund of the Year nominee in 2014, 2016 and 2017 and voted as one of the top 40 under 40 professionals in Indian alternative investments.

Investment Objective

A category III AIF that aims to provide absolute return over a 2+ year investment horizon. It has Core-Satellite structure with the flexibility to allocate capital between strategies. It has Limited downside and ability to manage equity market drawdowns

Investment Philosophy

CORE : LONG TERM EQUITY strategy that Holds long positions in stocks that have strong earnings growth, cash flows and corporate governance

• Avg Exposure: 70-80%
• Avgno of Holdings: 20-2
• Holding Period : 3+ years

SATELLITE : EVENT BASED strategies are lower risk, absolute return oriented such as open offers, buybacks, IPOs, Delistings, Mergers and Demergers.

• Avg Exposure: 20-30%
• Avg no of Holdings: 4-12
• Holding Period : 4-9 Months

SATELLITE : SHORTS & HEDGING limits downside through hedging or shorting companies with weak fundamentals and are overvalued

• Avg Exposure: 20-30%
• Avg No Holdings: 4-12
• Holding Period : 3-9 Months

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