PMS & AIF Performance Report

JULY 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

The growth of the culture of investing into equities, in India, has been remarkable recently. The number of investors has tripled to 95 million in the past few years. Notably, the current robust bull run

JUNE 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

Last week witnessed the largest sell off on a single day (4th June) since March 2020 and the third largest day of gain (5th June). There was a lot of noise and lot of panic

MAY 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

Since the post-COVID-19 bull run began, the Nifty 50 index has experienced significant growth. Both the headline index and broader market indices have provided impressive returns to investors. Now, the indices seem to be running

APRIL 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

With Indian Equity markets reaching all-time highs & valuations turning expensive, the fear of a correction in the short term is valid, as some pockets of the market are in the incorrect zone owing to

MARCH 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

As the Indian markets triumph, we find ourselves at a very exciting phase in the space of Indian Equity Markets, with the indices touching record highs! At PMS AIF WORLD, our conviction remains firm that

FEBRUARY 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

As the markets have navigated through January, we find ourselves at a crucial juncture, eagerly anticipating the developments of 2024 and the opportunities it may bring. At PMS AIF WORLD, our conviction remains firm that

JANUARY 2024 PMS Performance Newsletter

The Indian equity markets finished 2023 strongly, with indices reaching all-time highs. Indian market capitalisation has surpassed $ 4 Trillion, and recorded 19% returns, in 2023. The Indian markets are thriving even amidst a global

December 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

India's stock market is witnessing a robust upturn, with the Sensex growing over 5% in November 2023, led by strong IT and banking sectors. This surge has pushed the Nifty 50 index beyond 21,000, indicating

November 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

In Oct 2023, the Indian equity market exhibited heightened volatility and Nifty 50 dropped by (2.7%). However, this phase of correction was necessary for ensuring healthy future growth. On a trailing basis, the Nifty 50

October 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

Currently, India boasts a GDP of around $3.4 trillion, with its stock market capitalization not far behind at approximately $3.2 trillion. Assessing this using the original Buffet Indicator, which measures the market cap to GDP

SEPTEMBER 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

India's transformation is not just a story of economic growth but a testament to resilience and visionary policymaking. The current economic conditions in India highlight intriguing parallels between India's recent journey and China's transformative past

AUGUST 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

India's financial markets have shown strong momentum in July, achieving record highs for NIFTY 50 and BSE Sensex. With NIFTY 50 near 20,000 and Sensex above 67,000, this success results from multiple factors, rendering India

JULY 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are witnessing the beginning of a significant bullish phase in the Indian equity markets, signalling a promising decade ahead. After a 20-month wait, the Nifty soared past 19,000 recording lifetime highs. The Sensex also

JUNE 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

May 2023 proved to be an exceptional month for Indian equities, defying the common adage of "sell in May and go away." While global markets experienced volatility, Indian stocks recorded significant gains. Foreign institutional investors

MAY 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

Equity markets cheered up in April, but are still available at opportune valuations. As the markets continue to exhibit resilience in the face of uncertain economic conditions, we remain steadfast in our belief that equities

APRIL 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

As we embark on FY 23-24, we are optimistic that the equity market has bottomed out, and discounted all headwinds. Quality growth stocks are likely to outperform defensive and high beta names in 2023, because

MARCH 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

India is on a path to witnessing one of its most extraordinary decades in terms of economic achievement since the country’s Independence. In this decade, India has crossed $3 trillion in GDP in FY22 to

FEBRUARY 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

2020 & 2021 were years of massive rise for the stock markets, and 2022 was the year of resets. Despite all the challenges of covid, inflation, war, rise in interest rates, India emerged as a

JANUARY 2023 PMS Performance Newsletter

2022 marked the transition of Dovish stance of Quantitative Easing to Hawkish stance of Quantitative Tightening. While inflation rose at the fastest rate, NASDAQ fell at the fastest rate. But India stood out as an

December 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

The Stock Market sees what many don’t and this astounds investors. Going by the age-old beliefs in stock markets that ‘what doesn’t correct during bad times, leads the good times’, the recent relative outperformance of

November 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

One thing which every equity or a debt investor, every money manager and every advisor has followed throughout year 2022 is Fed’s stance, and its consistent rate hikes. For those who have witnessed this in

October 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

Indian Equity markets are highly skewed and sometimes this kind of a structure leads to a biased investor narrative that implies that returns can only be made in the top companies [market-cap wise]. But, beyond

September 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

They say there’s a little bit of Shakespeare in everyday life. The master play writer, poet, and actor- William Shakespeare, lived in England in the 16th and 17th century. Around the world there have been

August 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

Historically, India has been the largest economy in the world for most of the two millennia from the 1st until the 19th century. But, post British Raj, at the time of independence, less than one

JULY 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

The markets have corrected about 15-18% from its peak in Oct '21 and now an opportunity to invest in equities is again knocking the door, and keeping that in mind, we, at PMS AIF World, organised a meaningful event for

JUNE 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

While the market is creating an opportunity to invest, what should be the approach going forward? Investors are not only looking out for the best-suited investment style for themselves but are also battling to get

MAY 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

It is the time to remember that creating wealth from equity investments isn’t as easy as people assume it to be. It generally takes all you’ve got, and some time even more, as every time

April 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

Equity investing should be done with a returns focused mindset, remembering that it's a game of non-linearity. So, for investors who can afford to not worry about the downside for the first 500 days, equity

MARCH 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

In India, equity investor is a rare breed, and a successful equity investor is even rarer. Therefore, the highs and lows that an investor goes through is seldom shared with others. Events like outcome of

February 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

We, at PMS AIF World, started our journey in 2019 with a Promise of Knowledge-driven High-Performance Investing. In the last 3 years, we’ve worked throughout to keep our promise. As a result, today we provide

January 2022 PMS Performance Newsletter

Dear Investors, We wish you a very happy new year and hope you stay safe. In this month’s edition of our newsletter, we talk about the concept of non-linearity. Despite being a concept which works

December 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

As we enter the last month of 1st-year post-Covid, we look back and realize that the digital revolution brought by Covid19 is real and here to stay. Many corporations are preparing themselves for this digital

November 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are pleased to share our latest PMS Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 31st October 2021. The focus of our study in this month's edition is on Alpha generation. As per our analysis,

OCTOBER 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

The latest James Bond movie combines the best of old-world espionage and modern-day filmmaking. Daniel Craig transitions James Bond to the modern world and leaves the fans desiring for more. The next big economic risk

SEPTEMBER 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are pleased to share our latest PMS Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 31st August 2021. In our July 2021 edition of the monthly newsletter, we spoke about the Stock Markets Nudge. In

AUGUST 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are pleased to share our latest PMS Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 31st July 2021. This 15th August, India will enter her 75th year of Independence. At present, India is not only the world’s

JULY 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are pleased to share our latest PMS Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 30th June 2021. In this edition, we take the background of the Covid crash of March 2020, and look at a few

JUNE 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

We are pleased to share our latest PMS Performance Newsletter with performance data as of 31st May 2021. The title of this report takes cues from the sport of Car Racing. Pit Stops are necessary

MAY 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

It’s one of the toughest times that India has seen in a long time. We pray that the situation due to the Covid Pandemic gets better in the coming days. The team at PMS AIF

APRIL 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

Déjà vu, a French phrase, is an uncanny feeling, that you feel that you have experienced something before. The world in general is experiencing a Déjà vu moment in April 2021. Glimpses of March 2020

March 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

"What goes up, must come down." -Isaac Newton While this is an accepted theory, experiencing it in the capital markets can be unnerving. The Tug of War between equities and debts seems to be the

February 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

"How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts?" - Robert G. Allen Equities Are Forever. The importance of equities as an asset class is well known today, and

January 2021 PMS Performance Newsletter

VIRTUAL EVENT Crystal Gazing Next Decade: Wealth Creation in the post-Covid World 5 & 6 February, 2021 Jan 2021 begins not only the new year but a new decade. Each decade brings with it many

December 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

Return of the "RETURNS" - From Crisis to V shape Recovery and MORE At PMS AIF WORLD, we viewed the COVID-related market crash as a sign of too much fear and reminded investors to be

November 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

“Light” is the most significant vibration, as life begins with light and ends with darkness. Deepavali is the “festival of lights. There is a deeper spiritual meaning to this auspicious festival, whereby light conveys realization

October 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

Truth has one dimension and there are no two versions to it. When it comes to the stock market, truth is only known in the hindsight. Investing in equity through concentrated portfolios via Portfolio Management

September 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

"Imagine that you had to drive from New York city to Los Angeles. You're in downtown Manhattan hopelessly stuck in traffic. Bicycle messengers are whizzing past. You jump out of your car, sell your car

August 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

Covid has brought good habits, which is transforming world economy to become more efficient. COVID, which otherwise is responsible for many negatives has brought lots and lots of good habits. We do not order outside

July 2020 PMS Performance Newsletter

Stock market time and again proves ” Higher the risk, Higher the return” but, equity investors accept mediocre returns as they find “Comfort in rational thinking”. For long term equity investors( 10 years + time

May 2020 PMS Performance Factsheet

Year 2020 presents rare opportunity and must be used to invest in EQUITY In this edition, we’ve kept EQUITY as a Core Theme, as we believe it presents a very good opportunity for wealth creation

April 2020 PMS Performance Factsheet

To see a V or U shape recovery, the government should act a lot more and in a big way, now. Lockdown 3 is a time for Keynesian Economics theory of total spending in the

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