They say there’s a little bit of Shakespeare in everyday life. The master play writer, poet, and actor- William Shakespeare, lived in England in the 16th and 17th century.
Around the world there have been multiple adaptations of Shakespeare’s work such as King Lear starring Anthony Hopkins, Omkara starring Ajay Devgan based on Othello, Maqbool starring Irfan Khan based on Macbeth, and the number of times Romeo – Juliet has been adapted is countless.
Shakespeare, although widely quoted has been under represented in investing community. Merging our love for investing and a good Shakespearean play we get to you this newsletter; we get to you 3 excerpts from the works of the great play writer and how they fit into the life of an Investor.
Check out the Monthly CAT-III AIF Newsletter with performance data as of 31.08.2022.
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