Portfolio Type: Multi-Cap Portfolio of Companies related to Emerging India Themes.
Inception Date: 16 Jan 2018
Number of Stocks: 22
Fund Manager Name: Manish Sonthalia

Fund Manager Experience: Total Exp – 22 Years
With Motilal – 11 Years
Fund Manager Qualification: Bachelor Degree in Commerce (Hons), ICWAI, CS, MBA finance, FCA
Fund Manager Accolades: He has authored a paper A Rising Consumer Class on Indian markets, published by the Global World Economic Forum in the year 2010.
Investment Objective: The investment objective of the Strategy is to achieve long term capital appreciation by primarily investing in equity & equity related across market capitalization.
Investment Strategy: Investment philosophy is centred on BUY RIGHT: SIT TIGHT principle.
Buy Right is represented by – (QLGP)
“Q” denotes the quality of the business and management
“G” denotes growth in earnings and sustained RoE
“L” denotes longevity of the competitive advantage or economic moat of the business
“P” denotes our approach of buying a good business for a fair price rather than buying a fair business for a good price
Sit Tight
Buy and Hold: Strictly buy and hold and believe that picking the right business needs skill and holding onto these businesses to enable investors to benefit from the entire growth cycle needs even more skill.
Focus: High conviction portfolios with 25 to 30 stocks being our ideal number. We believe in adequate diversification but over-diversification results in diluting returns and add market risk.