In India, equity investor is a rare breed, and a successful equity investor is even rarer. Therefore, the highs and lows that an investor goes through is seldom shared with others. Events like outcome of a cricket match in which India is contesting or marriage of some celebrity is discussed again and again. Even mellow events like a relationship going sour, troubles of being a parent to a teenager are discussed at various forums. The highs and lows of a regular life are discussed, heard and even presented with solutions but investing faces relative loneliness that one doesn’t find in other aspects of life.
It’s not that investors do not want to share their feeling – but they don’t find a pair of ears who want to hear the saga. Thus, an equity investor goes through the phases of the market in daft loneliness and most of the times, loses conviction.
Today, in this digital age, there are so many voices on the internet, and social media that talk a lot about equity investing, while most talk about themselves, a very few address the most important aspect of what the investor is feeling.
We, at PMS AIF WORLD, understand the challenges, the ups and downs and the feelings that the investors go through in their investing life.
All our efforts have been to help the investor become RICHER, WISER, and HAPPIER. Book a call with our experts to begin a journey in investing that is tailored to meet your needs and help you navigate through your investing life in a smooth & efficient manner.
Check out the below PMS AIF WORLD’s Monthly Peer group PMS report with performance data as of 28.02.2022
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