We have close to 200 PMS strategies listed on our website and each has its own trajectories and characteristics; QRC framework helps you choose the strategies that work best for you.
As a first step to review any fund, we do a portfolio exercise called QRC (Quality, Risk, Consistency) analysis.
This analysis, our trademarked proprietary framework, deep dives into the performance of the portfolio to bring out the metrics relevant to you as an investor and helps you choose the portfolio that will best serve your investment objectives. By looking at factors like outperformance compared to multiple indices, risk-adjusted returns, consistency of returns, and other such parameters, QRC is one of the most effective ways of measuring all-round portfolio performance.
The following report contains the snapshots of Popular 30 PMSs and gives an overview of the QRC framework that we have developed inhouse.
Read the report to know more!
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Our endeavors are to determine the Quality, Risk, and Consistency attributes (QRC). We present all data and analytics with an endeavor and the aim of informed investment decisions. If you are looking to invest and are not able to decide between PMS and Mutual Funds, or between PMS and Alternative investment funds, Book A Video Call with our experts.
Do Not Simply Invest, Make Informed Decisions