The objective of Unifi Deep Value Discount Fund or DVD Fund is to achieve above-average returns with below-average risk by exploiting inefficiencies. Few segments of the market tend to be mispriced in spite of visible growth prospects, resulting in such stocks trading at a deep discount to their intrinsic value. Reasons could vary from inadequate understanding of a business by most analysts, low relative market cap and liquidity or the lack of correlation to benchmark indices.
Unifi Capital actively manages seven bottom up equity approaches that sift through opportunities across the breadth of the markets. Across the funds, the mandate is to participate in opportunities that arise from a mix of emergent themes, corporate actions and of course attractiveness of core fundamentals. The objective of all the respective funds under management is to deliver superior risk adjusted returns from an absolute perspective.
Unifi Deep Value Discount Fund or DVD Fund PMS follows a Fundamentally Driven philosophy. This is a buy & hold strategy where investments are based on sustained growth of the Indian economy. Here, the time frame is 2-3 years.
UNIFI provides PMS services that have all thematic portfolios.
Unifi Deep Value Discount Fund or DVD Fund follows the following philosophies:
Focus on absolute returns.
Intrinsic value is not a single, precise number; rather, it is a range.
Buy at a discount to intrinsic value, conservatively calculated.
Look for situations where the market is not only ignoring the future, but also a bit of the present.
The combination of both a bargain price at the time of purchase and the value add from retained earnings over the holding period will contribute to investment returns.
Aim to be rational, not merely contrarian.
Cheap price in relation to value is often the single biggest catalyst.
• In 2023, Unifi Capital Blended Rangoli PMS was awarded Rank #1 as the Best PMS in the Multi Cap Category, on a 3Y Risk-Adjusted Returns. These Awards were hosted by PMS AIF WORLD, in association with IIM-Ahmedabad.
• In 2023, Unifi Capital Blended Rangoli PMS was awarded the Fastest Wealth Creating PMS in the Multi Cap Category, on a 3Y Risk-Adjusted Returns. These Awards were hosted by PMS AIF WORLD, in association with IIM-Ahmedabad.